Peninsula AEYC Hosted Family Child Care Tour
Peninsula AEYC hosted their first Family Child Care tour in San Jose and Campbell on June 4. Guests toured three different high-quality Family Child Care (FCC) programs in three small groups. Each group had a tour guide from our PAEYC Board: our President, Sandra Perez, our Vice President of Support and Services, Araceli Lopez, and our Treasurer, Wendy Lundeen. The FCC providers from Mother Earth's Children Preschool, Tanya's Learning Garden, and Natural Foundations Preschool graciously opened up their homes, shared their experiences and FCC journey and made themselves available for many questions from our guests. Most of the guests were already FCC providers from San Jose to Sacramento. Other guests were center-based teachers interested in what a FCC program looked like on the inside! Everyone said they left with lots of new ideas and were amazed at the endless possibilities for Family Child Care programming. During the debrief at Provider Training, Resource and Activity Center (PTRAC) guests, providers and tour guides shared their positive experiences during the FCC tour and brainstormed ideas for future events to further connect Family Child Care and PAEYC. There were many of giveaways and lunch, too!
We thank the Child Care Network in San Jose, PTRAC and the three lovely providers for their support in the planning process. Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces as they left the building was the perfect end to a wonderful afternoon. For more pictures of the event, visit (and like!) our Facebook page: