Kern AEYC Happenings – Spring 2016
Things were busy for Kern AEYC this spring. The topic of the May workshop was 1-2-3 Magic presented by the Henrietta Weill Child Guidance Clinic. The majority of our workshops are at the Larry Reider Center, 2000 K Street, Bakersfield. Kern AEYC members receive complimentary registration for workshops and also receive priority registration. Nonmembers pay $10 per workshop and have the chance to enroll after members' priority registration week. Our next workshop will be our Open House in September.
Kern AEYC board meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 4:45pm. They are held on the third floor of the Larry Reider Center. Kern AEYC members interested in joining a committee are asked to attend.
For questions regarding Kern AEYC please call (661) 412-AEYC or email