Bring Your Own Brain: Learning to Teach and Transform

Bring Your Own Brain: Learning to Teach and Transform”

REAEYC Photo.jpegWhat a great title for the conference that Redwood Empire AEYC held on January 30. With 200 people in attendance it was a productive and worthwhile conference. Keynote for this amazing event was Deborah G. Estes, who inspired us with her words of wisdom. She got everyone up and moving and even laughing at times. Deborah is best known for her warmth, humor and ability to include everyone in the conversations. This alone was a tall order with 200 teachers but she did it with a giant smile. Deborah presented on the area of brain research and how this knowledge can directly impact our professional and personal lives. This is her primary interest and how this knowledge can directly impact our lives as educators, and even more significantly, as human beings. I have no doubt that each of those individuals will use the knowledge to lead and inspire others. I have never before witnessed as much enthusiasm from the collective group as I witnessed that day.

Later in the day, the attendees were able to attend some amazing workshops. There was everything from “Desirable Activities promote Desire Results” to “Ephemeral & Nature Art” to “Strings, Whistles, and Songs” to “Give the Dude a Drum” and finally “Professional Wellness & Growth.” I was fortunate enough to present “Creativity and the Brain.” I would like to say a special “Thank You” to the amazing presenters that gave up their time to be at the conference. Thank You to: California Mentor Teachers, Jill Carey, Cathy Trout-Hessom, Paul Morehouse and Kayelynn Ogden. A special “Thank You” to Kayelynn Ogden (who is the President of Reno AEYC) for making the trip to present at the conference.

At the end of the day, I could feel the energy in the room. It was positive and productive to everyone involved with the conference. You should be completely proud of all your hard work and efforts. I am so looking forward to next year. Thank You Redwood Empire AEYC!

Tammy Tanner
Region 2 Representative