CAEYC National Dialogue

Heidi Thumlert

CAEYC National Dialogue

CAEYC submitted its application to directly affiliate with NAEYC on August 30. The application outlined the Chapter structure that the CAEYC State Board of Directors approved. As a part of the required evidence regarding the chapter structure we need to provide NAEYC with a list of Chapter names.

The CAEYC State Board of Directors must approve the list of Chapters at its Board meeting on November 12-13. We have been working with the Local Affiliates on this process because our deadline is December 1 to provide the list of CAEYC Chapter names to NAEYC.

The NAEYC National Dialogue is the discussions, actions and implementations of the new affiliation structure that will go into effect in September 2017.  For California, it continues to be an opportunity to connect with Local Affiliates on their structure and programs – to acknowledge their good work and to provide support as needed. As our Chapter structure starts to take formal shape, we will share these details with you.

I want to express gratefulness to the National Dialogue Committee, as well as to Deidre and the rest of our office staff, for the huge body of work that has gone on to get us to this place.

I also want to thank President Cary Larson-McKay and the CAEYC Governing Board for their wonderful support.

Our future looks grand!