Committee Member Process and Duties

CAEYC Public Policy Committee Responsibilities

  1. To advise the CAEYC Board of Directors on policy matters.
  2. To stay informed on current issues and bring issues of concern forward from the members, public policy committees in local affiliates or coalition partners.
  3. To actively advocate CAYEC positions on public policy, legislative and regulatory issues while staying within guidelines established for 501c3 organizations.
  4. To develop an annual Action Plan and budget based on CAEYC’s Strategic Plan.
  5. To create task forces to address specific public policy issues or to direct specific projects as needed.
  6. To communicate public policy objectives to local affiliate representatives (local affiliate president, public policy committees, etc.) and facilitate two way conversation.
  7. To organize a workshop strand for the CAEYC Annual Conference.
  8. To hold meetings as necessary throughout the year in order to conduct business either face-to-face or via conference call.

Process to Become a Committee Member

  1. Applicant expresses interest to Committee Chair.
  2. If a vacancy exists and the applicant qualifies to fill that vacancy, the Committee Chair will invite the applicant to attend the next monthly meeting, held via conference call.
  3. The applicant will introduce her/himself and give a brief statement of interest and qualifications.
  4. Committee Members vote on whether to accept the applicant to fill the vacant position.