Chapter Relations and Development Committee

Chapter Relations and Development Committee

Cary Larson-McKay

Well, well, well, there are changes and evolvements in our small world of CAAEYC (one of the first is in the acronym name change that you may have noticed, along with our new logo). However, the one I want to talk about right now is the development of this new Committee. As your Immediate Past President it is my privilege to continue to work with and on behalf of all CAAEYC members through chairing this Committee.

The job of the Chapter Relations and Development Committee is to be useful to each and every Chapter. That means that the Committee members hope to be an integral part of each Chapter’s work to support, encourage and help operate effectively, create dynamic programs to reach out to local members with useful and interesting events.

Each current California Chapter has a direct connection with a Member of the Committee. In most cases the members of the former National Dialogue Committee will continue to be Chapters’ direct contact. For those who do not have a direct contact, or have additional questions, please contact me at

Chapters are updating their logo identities with the statewide branding commitment - some Chapters have made these updates and others are in process. There are a variety of tasks that Chapters have completed as required to facilitate the NAEYC transition in restructure.

Very soon you will see an update on the CAAEYC website - new statewide map of the Chapters, new individual Chapter pages with contact information and more. Look for the announcement before the end of February!

Please know that the Chapter Relations and Development Committee (to be known for the ease of communication as the CR&DC) is committed to our statewide collaborative spirt. We are here, we want to help you, and we are excited to continue this new work. Keep us posted.

In the Spirit of Creating Good Relationships with each Chapter,
Cary Larson-McKay