CAAEYC :: Central Region Chapter

Central Region Chapter

CAAEYC Central Region Chapter
Counties Cities
Alpine County Kirkwood, Markleeville
Amador County Amador, Ione, Jackson, Plymouth, Sutter Creek
Calaveras County Angels Camp
Merced County Atwater, Dos Palos, Gustine, Livingston, Los Banos, Merced
Stanislaus County Ceres, Hughson, Modesto, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Turlock, Waterford
Tuolumne County Sonora


Every young child in our region will have access to high quality care and education.


The Central Region Chapter is an organization comprised of individuals who share a common interest in the care, education and development of young children.

We seek to provide a supportive network inclusive of all individuals interested in advocating for the rights, needs, and well-being of children, familiesl, and child development professionals.

Central Region's goal is to improve the quality of care and education for all children, birth to age 8 years, in the county areas served through professional development and advocacy.

Central Region

  • Provides professional development opportunities for those who teach young children.
  • Raises community awareness for the importance of early education and development.
  • Communicates with local policy makers and community leaders about our mission.
  • Supports groups, organizations or agencies that share similar goals.


If you are interested in getting involved with planning any of Central Regions's activities or are interesting in being considered for a position on the board, please contact us.

Prospective Board Member Information Sheet

Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Source of Referral:
Special Skills:
Professional Background:
Other Affiliations:
Other Board Service:
Other Pertinent Information:

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Michelle Joseph, President

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